Linear mixed model - heritability

heritable and heritability

  • The term “heritable” applies to traits that vary in the population and are more similar in parents and offspring than they are in randomly selected individuals in the population.
  • The concept of “heritability” was introduced “to quantify the level of predictability of passage of a biologically interesting phenotype from parent to offspring” (Feldman, 151).

heritability and population genetics

\(V_{p} = V_{G} + V_{E} = V_{A} +V_{D} + V_{E}\)

  • broad sense heritability, h2b, “the proportion of phenotypic differences due to all sources of genetic variance” (Plomin 1990, 234).
  • Narrow sense heritability, h2, “the proportion of phenotypic variance due solely to additive genetic variance” (Plomin 1990, 234).

\(h_{b}^2 = V_{G}/V_{P}\)

\(h^2 = V_{A}/V_{P}\)

measuring heritability: from galton to GWAS

conventional methods don’t rely on genetic data (genetic sequence, snps, etc)

A quantitative framework of family stuides, for example, \(h^2=Vg/Vp ~ covariance(offspring, one parent)\)

More details from Heritability estimation from J.Yang Lab.

genetic data combined with phenotype or endophenotype data

linear mixed model (LMM) framework

y = Xb + Zu + e

X: fixed effect

Z: random effect

u ~ N(0, sigma1)

e ~ N(0, sigma2)

y: phenotype vector

Z: n x p matrix

n: number of samples

p: number of SNPs

element in Z: 0 ,1, 2 <=> aa, Aa, AA

Apply LMM to estimate sigma1 and sigma2

h2 = p*sigma1 / (p*sigma1+sigma2)

if using CpG (or metabolite or gene expression) as endo-phenotype, per CpG site heritability can be estimated.

For example: heritability, figure source:

In one of my projects, I applied linear mixed model to estimate heritability in fruit fly (Using Drosophila to identify naturally occurring genetic modifiers of Aβ42- and tau-induced toxicity, PMID: 37311212,, 02_AD_fly_eye, Caluclate best linear unbiased predictor (BLUP) and broadsense heritability (H2B).


  • AGRO-932 Biometrical genetics and plant breeding
  • AGRO/ANSCI 931 Population Genetics
  • Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
  • Estimation of variance components and heritability
  • 昔时因,今日意 by 杨灿
  • Yang, Jian, et al. “Common SNPs explain a large proportion of the heritability for human height.” Nature genetics 42.7 (2010): 565-569.
  • Shah, Sonia, et al. “Genetic and environmental exposures constrain epigenetic drift over the human life course.” Genome research 24.11 (2014): 1725-1733.
  • Rowlatt, Amy, et al. “The heritability and patterns of DNA methylation in normal human colorectum.” Human molecular genetics 25.12 (2016): 2600-2611.
  • Rohde, Palle Duun, Izel Fourie Sørensen, and Peter Sørensen. “qgg: an R package for large-scale quantitative genetic analyses.” Bioinformatics 36.8 (2020): 2614-2615.
  • Zhu, Huanhuan, and Xiang Zhou. “Statistical methods for SNP heritability estimation and partition: A review.” Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 18 (2020): 1557-1568.