Setup R blogdown

install hugo

If got error message with remotes::install_github, try this: remotes::install_github('rstudio/blogdown')

check package version,

blogdown::hugo_version() [1] ‘0.74.3’

pick a theme and install

blogdown::new_site(theme = "dillonzq/LoveIt")

To start a local preview: use blogdown::serve_site(), or the RStudio add-in “Serve Site”

The web server can be stopped by blogdown::stop_server(), and it will always be stopped when the R session is ended, so you can restart your R session if stop_server() fails to stop the server for some reason.

insert images when posting

Just save images in in the same folder as the post document, for example, posts/2022-08-16-无他-但手熟尔/xxx.png

post a new Rmarkdown-generated file

Choose .Rmd format in New Post and start writing.

When done, use knit to check the Rmarkdown file contain no bug (you may need to change to the working folder if there requires reading in data files), then delete the .html file.

Restart R, in the blog folder, use serve site in the Addins to generate the website page.


  • I used .Rmd instead of .Rmarkdown. .Rmd leads to .html file and .Rmarkdown to .markdown file when serve site. Both viewed fine on my laptop, but only html show all R plots when deployed on netlify.
  • With all Rmd files ready, run serve site locally to make sure all .html files are generated and properly configured, then sync to github.
  • Feel free to delete themes/LoveIt/exampleSite/ folder.
  • On the Categories page, if you didn’t see blogs organized into different categories, double check if you have included categories or tags at the very beginning of each Rmd file, for example:


    • statistics tags:
    • power analysis
    • statistics
  • if you make any changes in .Rmd file, delete the original .html file, and use serve site to re-generate the .html file.

Useful tutorial: